Ayurveda has given totally scientific approach as causes, pathogenesis, five different types, prognosis, and perfect line of treatment for “Svash Rog-Asthma”. Nowadays it’s known as Allergic Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Here, At Ayurbhav- Multi Specialty Ayurveda Hospital, We are working over specific Asthma Disease since 2013. And After many research, we are getting marvellous results that most of Asthmatic Patients can quit their Inhaler- Asthma pump within 10 days and of course without any side effect. After completing course patients can live normally without Ayurveda medicines support.
Yes..! After proper examine the asthma patient through Ayurveda principals, we give them precious Pure Ayurveda Herbs in proper doses and timing. These medicines are most of best for kapha dosha, immuno booster, strengthen the working capacity of lung, and give protection against the allergens that cause of allergy, and no side effect at all.